Hi, I'm Tink, and this is my very first blog! This is a picture of me in the forest, aren't I just adorable? It's my favorite picture of me. I'm so excited because now I can share all the thoughts and feelings I've been keeping bottled up inside with all you other fairies out there! I need some advice....
You're not going to believe this, but lately I've been being pushed aside by the love of my life, Peter Pan, for some human named Wendy. She has to be the plainest and most boring human I've ever met (well aren't they all, really?) For some strange reason, Peter is quite fascinated with this Wendy girl, and I've had just about enough! I want my Peter back! Who does this Wendy girl think she is anyway? I know she's really no competition, I mean just look at me! It's just a matter of time before Peter's fascination wears off, and he'll realize how foolish he's being to push me aside. I just know it........Any ideas of how I can make sure to get my Peter back ASAP?????
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